- 14,514 total downloads
- last updated 4/21/2015
- Latest version: 1.5.1
Xam.PCL Settings provides a consistent, cross platform settings plugin for Windows Phone Silverlight 8/8.1, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Store, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Android when using a PCL or any project... More information -
- 9,925 total downloads
- last updated 3/31/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.2
Get network connectivity information such as network type, speeds, and if connection is available. Additional functionality includes the ability to ping a specific host and port number. Ensure you have proper... More information -
- 6,864 total downloads
- last updated 3/10/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.10
Custom control for your Xamarin.Forms project ot turn your images into elegant circle images. Customizable border thickness and color. Ensure you call ImageCircleRenderer.Init() on each... More information -
- 4,695 total downloads
- last updated 5/4/2015
- Latest version:
Interactive paging indicator widget, compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library with Material Design. See Project Site for Sample. -
- 4,260 total downloads
- last updated 2/20/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.1
Easly access geolocation across Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android and Windows. Example: var locator = CrossGeolocator.Current; locator.DesiredAccuracy = 50; var position = await... More information -
- 3,289 total downloads
- last updated 1/27/2015
- Latest version: 1.4.1
Please use: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xam.Plugins.Settings/ Mvx Plugins Settings provides a consistent, cross platform settings plugin for Windows Phone, Windows Store, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Android... More information -
- 2,556 total downloads
- last updated 2/15/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.0
Take or pick photos and videos from a cross platform API. -
- 2,446 total downloads
- last updated 12/19/2014
- Latest version:
Receive information about the device that you are using. Properties such as Model, Operatin System, Version, Id, and even the ability to generate a unique Id for your application based off of these properties. -
- 1,980 total downloads
- last updated 5/4/2015
- Latest version: 1.3.3
Android floating action button that can react to scrolling events. Becomes visible when an attached target is scrolled up and invisible when scrolled down. -
- 1,955 total downloads
- last updated 2/15/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.4
Open external maps to navigate to a specific geolocation or address. Option to launch with navigation option on iOS as well. -
- 1,809 total downloads
- last updated 6/11/2014
- Latest version: 1.1.0
MonoDroid Toolkit provides a bunch of utilities for Xamarin.Android including: Documentation and sample code at: https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/monodroidtoolkit -Image... More information -
- 1,437 total downloads
- last updated 1/20/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.1
Xamarin and Windows plugin to perform text to speech functionality. Adjustable pitch, speak rate, locale, and more. -
- 1,164 total downloads
- last updated 12/19/2014
- Latest version:
Xamarin and Windows plugin to vibrate your devices. Read the full documenation on the projects page. -
- 947 total downloads
- last updated 1/13/2015
- Latest version:
Please use: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xam.Plugins.Vibrate for fully cross platform Vibrate Plugin. This library will be removed in the future. Xamarin.Forms plugin to vibrate your devices.... More information -
- 801 total downloads
- last updated 12/26/2014
- Latest version: 1.0.0
Subscribe to battery change notifications across iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows from a single API. Ability to gather current battery level, charging status, and charging type. -
- 454 total downloads
- last updated 1/18/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.0-alpha2 (prerelease)
Gather and query contacts across Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Windows Phone -