by: MattCampbell- 3,133 total downloads
- last updated 11/2/2014
- Latest version:
A library (.dll) of various linear, nonlinear, and stochastic numerical optimization techniques. While some of these are older than 40 years, many have yet to take advantage of an object-oriented programming... More information -
by: MattCampbell- 1,856 total downloads
- last updated 12/12/2014
- Latest version: 1.0.1211
PMKS returns quick and accurate results for the position, velocity, and acceleration of rigid bodies connected as planar mechanisms. This project is compiled as part of the PMKS_Web project which is a... More information -
by: MattCampbell-
- 1,215 total downloads
- last updated 2/18/2015
- Latest version:
While there are already countless math libraries for performing common matrix/array functions, StarMath is distinguished by its simplicity and flexbility. There is no need to declare vectors and matrices in a... More information -
by: MattCampbell-
- 631 total downloads
- last updated 5/2/2015
- Latest version:
This new dynamic library is focused on Computational Geometry functions likes the ones you would find in CGAL. As opposed to copying directly others work, we have sought to create functions from scratch that... More information -
- 591 total downloads
- last updated 6/4/2014
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This project is a convex hull algorithm and library for 2D, 3D, and higher dimensions. The code can also be used to compute Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi meshes of the input data. The benchmarks indicate... More information -