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4 packages returned for Tags:"antlr4"

    • 17,446 total downloads
    • last updated 9/30/2014
    • Latest version: 4.4.1-alpha001
    • antlr antlr4 parsing
    The C# target of the ANTLR 4 parser generator for Visual Studio 2010+ projects. This package supports projects targeting .NET 2.0 or newer, and built using Visual Studio 2010 or newer.
  • The runtime library for parsers generated by the C# target of ANTLR 4. This package supports projects targeting .NET 2.0 or newer, and built using Visual Studio 2008 or newer.
  • A library that removes most of the boilerplate code for listening to and visiting ANTLR4-generated parse trees on the CLR.
    • 1,243 total downloads
    • last updated 9/30/2014
    • Latest version: 4.4.1-alpha001
    • antlr antlr4 parsing
    The C# target of the ANTLR 4 parser generator for Visual Studio 2008 projects. This package supports projects targeting .NET 2.0 or newer, and built using Visual Studio 2008.